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20 Movie Reviews

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A real mixed bag...

Killer Tofu was hillarious... The cockroach thing was meh.... The pogo song was ok, but the animation on it was kinda lacking.. you didn't put much work in to that segment (early attempts?).... and as for the clay... I love claymation... even poorly done claymation... but on this ONE segment, there was almost no sound...

I wish more people would take the time to THINK about the sound levels when they record their own voices... because you either wind up with something you can barely hear (like your claymation) or else they talk way too loud and it sounds like crap because they're yelling into the mic...

The Killer Tofu was good though... more stuff like that...

WTF is this cat stapler business?

I saw a ceramic cat, I saw a stapler.. I didn't see a cat stapler... like maybe a cat that could staple things, or a guy who puts staples into cats for a living, or even a stapler that had CAT written on it...

The music was ok, but it looped too quickly, and you could hear gaps in it... PUT MORE INTERESTING MUSIC.

The Graphics weren't too intersting, since there really was no action other than some text and a few pictures... The animated stapler was the HIGHLIGHT of this movie... (Sadly)... PUT AN ACTUAL STORY IN THE MOVIE.

There wasn't anything funny about it... MAKE IT FUNNY RATHER THAN MERELY STUPID...

There wasn't much animating style to it either... DID I MENTION THE ANIMATED STAPLER WAS THE HIGHLIGHT OF THE MOVIE?

I didn't vote to blam it... but it's sub-par at best....

For an animated movie, not much animation.

Most of the characters just stood there, slowly waving arms and looking dopey....whatever they said I couldn't understand it... I would say SPEAK ENGLISH.... but since you are.... SPEAK ENGLISH CLEARLY.... The punchline wasn't very funny...Overall, I would say I've seen alot worse... but for the content itself, it could have been tons better...

Not bad... but not good either

I really didn't like the subject matter...But I'm not going to preach anything here... just know that while you may be proud, some may not care for how you show your pride.

The music was ok... I didn't care for the lyrics, but the sound quality was good....The Graphics were "functional"...meaning I could tell what was going on, but I didn't see anything that wowed me....

It's a nice flash animation...but I lowered the score due to the subject matter.... keep workin though...

Could have been so much better

First off, I have to say that I love Music video type Flash, considering that it USUALLY gives me a totally new way to think about a song (other than the Commercialized MTV version).... But this does nothing for me.

Seeing the face of Batboy (of Tabloid Fame) was amusing for all of 2 seconds... and seeing the Wal*Mart Smiley Guy riding him was amusing for another 1 second.... And after that, I was left to listen to the song (which was in very poor quality) and watch the same two cacti pass by as the sun slowly set.

The Setting sun was a cool effect... Keep that... Throw EVERYTHING ELSE away and start over. Try to make the scenes more varied... rather than just showing a guy riding a horse with no name, try listening to the lyrics and depicting some of the things he's singing about... or go off in your own direction and make up a story...

This could have been SO Much better... At the very least, resample the song so it's not aliased so badly...AM Radio sounds better than that did... I would have been more forgiving in that reguard if there had been more to look at, or some kind of interactivity to keep my mind off of it...

Good luck

Funny Song even if it was a bit hard to follow

The Animation itself wasn't much to look at, though it did follow the words of the song fairly well... and actually, without the visual the song wouldn't be nearly as funny.

Livecorpse responds:

Heh, i dont think anything can make Brandons Freestyle less funny, but thats cool ya liked it

Age 53, Male


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